Thursday, September 4, 2014

Authentic Assessment

I would like to share the information below that has helped me to increase my knowledge on assessments, which has also made me more appreciative of the Adult Education Programs.

Authentic assessments as noted by Myer (1992) is not the same as performance assessment, in that, they are similar to the point that both forms of assessments provide challenges, and engages the students; however, authentic assessments affords the learners with sufficient time for planning, completing the assignment, “self-“assessment, revising, and consulting  with another.  Additionally, when using “authentic assessments,” student assignments must be evaluated using the “same kinds of criteria (standards) used to judge similar task,” (Wisconsin Education Association Council, 2014).

“Authentic Instruction and Learning”

Based on Wisconsin Education Association Council, (2014) authentic instructions and learning are very much like “performance or authentic assessments” in relationship to students retaining knowledge and instructions. Educators desiring for improvement in assessments, and instructions have to integrate the two.  “Newmann, and Wehlage, 1993 article” states that instructions are “authentic if they help learners obtain the following objectives:

1.      “ Construct meaning and produce knowledge”

2.      “Use disciplined inquiry to construct meaning and”

3.      “Aim work toward production of discourse, products and performances that have value or meaning beyond success in school,” (Wisconsin Education Association Council, 2014).


Re Wisconsin Education Association Council. (2014). Performance Assessment.  Retrieved

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